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Your whole day depends on how you wake up. The first precondition for a cheerful morning is a good night’s sleep – no matter how busy your day is, you should always make enough time and sleep at least seven hours each night. An important factor of your morning


A great leader in war needs to possess certain qualities to conquer the enemies – the needed qualities are very similar for the leader of a particular business. If you want to be followed and blindly trusted, you need to show no weaknesses. This kind of power is mostly


There’s a thin line between a successful businessman and a workaholic. In order to avoid becoming the latter, you need to find a way to balance things out – learn how to focus on your goals, but also how to dissociate from your business related obligations. So, in order


Sometimes it’s tough.  Sometimes there doesn’t seem to be a reason to get out of bed in the morning.  Knowing the world will go on without your contribution is a weighty reality, one that is sometimes too much to shoulder.  So, you stay in.  Alone. You’re not the only


You get up, shower, dress and go to work.  Your work responsibilities are routine now; you’ve been doing the same thing day in and day out for years.  When the day is done, you return home, eat, maybe watch a little TV, and then go to bed.  You get


  What can you do to make yourself feel calmer, more productive, and more alert? Exercise! I can hear your sighs from here.  But it’s true.  We already know that working out can help your cardio vascular strength and help you lose weight.  But there are other benefits that


Ever get that feeling that you are stuck? That nothing that we do matters? It’s because you are living life without a definable purpose The difference between life with purpose and life with no purpose is that with a purpose, actions are means to an end whereas without purpose


  Victim’s fail. It’s essentially that simple. I am a recruiter. When I ask the job candidate why they have not succeeded in some role, if they blame their lack of success on their manager, the changing economy, or some other in a litany of excuses then I know


“When nothing seems to help, I go look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred and first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not that blow


Life is built on routine. Routine can either be monotonous or redeeming. It all depends on whether there is a purpose. Think of two construction workers; one who is part of building a home and one who is simply building without purpose. They are both part of a routine